Many times I’ve attempted to start a blog
because I love to write, but they never went anywhere. I lost interest in them
because they never really had any true direction, I didn’t really know why I
was creating the space, but now I do.
I always find it really weird. Not so much the writing part, but trying to write on the Internet for what could be basically a non-existent audience.
I always find it really weird. Not so much the writing part, but trying to write on the Internet for what could be basically a non-existent audience.
As someone currently finishing off my
double Communication/Laws degree, photography is definitely taking a back seat at
the moment and is simply a hobby.
I don’t know if I want to spend another
three years at Uni and I can’t afford to go off to another institution to learn
more and gain a ‘qualification’ in the field (not that photography is exactly is one of those fields you need some sort of qualification in to start working it in anyway), so I’m thinking I might have to
do this on my own. That doesn’t really bother me, learning new things,
especially when you’re passionate about them, is always fun, and the scale of
the Internet these days does make it easy; but it also makes it hard.
Anything you ever needed to learn and know
about photography, there is no doubt you will find that information somewhere
on the Internet, but the question is, where? There is simply so much
information, so many different opinions and ideas popping up at you all at once
that it can be extremely overwhelming trying to tackle it all on your own, and
I feel it can cause some to give up because it seems all to hard to understand.
Really it’s not, it’s simply about shifting through it all and finding what it
is you need; that’s why I’ve created this space.
I am still on the path of learning when it
comes to photography, and I want to document it as I go. I want to document it
so if anyone else is like me and decides one day after picking up a camera that
this is what they want to do, that they have a space that makes it easy for
them to learn.
Photography is one of those things that you
can read about it all you like, but you really need to practice to truly
understand it and to get better, but having the right information, I think, is
definitely the first step.
Sometimes I feel that photographers don’t
share all their tips and tricks because they worry if they do, then people will
be able to capture exactly what they have, and suddenly their work isn’t so
special anymore. While I can completely understand the mentality of that, as
someone who has been trying in their spare time to learn about this art form,
not having such information makes things hard. I end up spending the small
amount of time I have getting through all the information that isn’t helpful,
but never truly getting to the good stuff. Honestly, I think, even if you give
away your tips and tricks, no one will ever be able to replicate what you do.
That’s because as human beings we are all individuals and we are all different.
We do things differently, we view things differently, we understand things
differently, and so I don’t think anyone ever really take the exact same photo
as someone else; something will always be a little bit different. With that in
mind, I’m not afraid on here to share exactly how I manage to do things and
share the tips and tricks I come across as I learn; after all sharing is
So as I tackle problems, undoubtedly have
failures, find solutions and try new things, you will find them all here, as well as a few other life things thrown in here and there. I hope
this space can help anyone who has the passion, like me, to capture the world
around them.