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  • I've been wanting to do something different with my blog lately, but I wasn't sure what to do, until now, and I wanted to gauge your thoughts on it.

    I've been thinking about daily blogging for a while, but I didn't think I'd be able to sustain it. I did a blog every day in December last year, and while it wasn't great timing because I went away for part of the month, I found myself stuck at the computer for a few days trying to schedule enough content and thought I could never do this every day of the year. That was until recently when I thought of another way I could possibly make it sustainable for myself. That's not to say it still won't be a challenge, but if people can put together amazing vlogs every single day on YouTube, then surely I can do this. I'm also interested to see how a more long-term crack at daily blogging would help my blog's traffic.

    So here's how I think I could potentially successfully tackle daily blogging.

    I wouldn't be doing in depth posts about beauty, fashion and lifestyle every single day. While I would still have posts like this two or three times a week, other days would be more like short diary entries. They might be about a thought I've had that day, something I did or something that happened, something new I've brought, inspiration from a photo I've snapped that day, it could be anything really. It also means there won't be professional, put-together photos every single day, most likely they'll just come straight from my iPhone, though still likely edited with a pretty filter. But I think posts like that will give my blogs a more personal feel, with more curated content weaved in between.

    The idea of giving this a go excites me, and I think come the start of Agust, which I realise is just around the corner, I'm going to give a crack. I at least want to try and keep it going for the month of Agust, and then maybe I can sit back and review and see if it's something I want to keep doing long-term.

    What do you think?

    P.S I will have a proper outfit post for the photo in the near future.
    . 7/29/17 .

    To Daily Blog or Not to Daily Blog, That is the Question ...

    . 7/29/17 .

    I've been wanting to do something different with my blog lately, but I wasn't sure what to do, until now, and I wanted to gauge your thoughts on it.

    I've been thinking about daily blogging for a while, but I didn't think I'd be able to sustain it. I did a blog every day in December last year, and while it wasn't great timing because I went away for part of the month, I found myself stuck at the computer for a few days trying to schedule enough content and thought I could never do this every day of the year. That was until recently when I thought of another way I could possibly make it sustainable for myself. That's not to say it still won't be a challenge, but if people can put together amazing vlogs every single day on YouTube, then surely I can do this. I'm also interested to see how a more long-term crack at daily blogging would help my blog's traffic.

    So here's how I think I could potentially successfully tackle daily blogging.

    I wouldn't be doing in depth posts about beauty, fashion and lifestyle every single day. While I would still have posts like this two or three times a week, other days would be more like short diary entries. They might be about a thought I've had that day, something I did or something that happened, something new I've brought, inspiration from a photo I've snapped that day, it could be anything really. It also means there won't be professional, put-together photos every single day, most likely they'll just come straight from my iPhone, though still likely edited with a pretty filter. But I think posts like that will give my blogs a more personal feel, with more curated content weaved in between.

    The idea of giving this a go excites me, and I think come the start of Agust, which I realise is just around the corner, I'm going to give a crack. I at least want to try and keep it going for the month of Agust, and then maybe I can sit back and review and see if it's something I want to keep doing long-term.

    What do you think?

    P.S I will have a proper outfit post for the photo in the near future.
    . 7/27/17 .

    Shirt // Factorie (similar)
    Jeans // Cotton On
    Shoes // Nike
    Sunglasses // Cotton On

    . 7/25/17 .

    This post was inspired by a video by Sara K which I'll link here, and it was the first time I had heard anyone talk about this topic before and with this viewpoint. I really loved the video and it got me thinking, and when those two things come together, I generally feel the overwhelming urge to write something, so here we are.

    I feel like a lot of people online are talking about this thing called The Law of Attraction. Basically, what this concept encompasses is if you think about your goals, those things you want most in life, if you think about them enough, you will receive them. It seems to make sense, and I thought it did when I heard about it the first 100 times and I truly believed in it; now, not so much. Here's why.

    In Sara K's video, she talks about the idea of resistance. It's an hour long video, and every second is honestly gold, and it is worth taking the time to sit down with a cup of tea and listen to her explain this concept and all the topics that spring from it. To put in a very, very, very small and extremely simplified nutshell, resistance is a distraction from your creative being. You probably all know and can think of many examples of what resistance is. It's telling yourself that you shouldn't bother getting out of bed because what you're doing isn't benefiting or going to benefit anyone, it's calling in sick to work or school because it just seems to hard that day, it's getting so close to your goals and letting yourself celebrate and slack off before you actually reach the finish line, procrastination is a symptom of it; it's the enemy of creativity, and it is self-made and self-inflicted.

    Success is the by-product of hard work. It's not simply wanting something.

    This Law of Attraction seems to revolve around this idea of instant gratification, because we live in a world where we can get so much of that and now it's all we want. We don't want to have to put in too much work to get something, we just want to be able to feel the want to have it and then get it without too much fuss on our part. The Law of Attraction feeds into this. This idea that we just need to think about something enough and we will get it. Where is the real hard work in that? The Law of Attraction seems to miss a vital step in the process. Yes, we need to think and believe in what we want, but in between wanting, believing and then receiving falls hard work, working your ass off to get whatever it is you're after, to achieve that goal you dream of. You can't just receive something or achieve something simply because you think you want it or because you think about it a lot.

    Life is nowhere near as easy and as simple as the Law of Attraction would have you believe, unfortunately. If you want something you need to work hard to get there, and you need to constantly fight resistance to get there, and then keep fighting it once you get there to keep a hold of it and to make sure you don't fall into a trap of negative energy when you get there and don't know what to do next.

    The Law of Attraction may have some bits and pieces within in that make sense; you do need to understand and know your goals in order to achieve them, and it's good to focus on them to remind yourself what you're working towards and remember why you do what you do every day. But it doesn't stop there, you need to work, and it's going to be hard, and there's nothing a nice sounding theory can do to take that away. We might be able to instantly gratify ourselves in many areas of our of life now thanks to the world we live in, and in some areas that's great, but when it comes to true long-term goals, life goals, the things that we really want to achieve in life, that make us proud and make us truly feel fulfilled and happy, there are no shortcuts, there is no piece of technology to make it better and there's no theory to make it easier.
    . 7/22/17 .

    Shirt // H&M
    Skirt // Missguided (similar)
    Shoes // Missguided
    Sunglasses // Cotton On
    Necklaces // Lovisa + Market Purchase (similar)
    . 7/20/17 .

    I've had so many Alpha-H goodies come in the mail recently. I'd seen them all over blogs and Instagram and thought to myself I really should get around to trying their stuff one day. It seems they could read my mind because I had a couple of packages turn up at my door not long after the thought, with a range of their products to try out. So today I have a bit of a haul and review of Alpha-H for you.

    If you know me, you know the word oil in skincare makes me screech in horror. Ok, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but I'm certainly not a fan, my face doesn't play nice when it comes to oil based products. I thought however, considering this is a cleanser and the oily product will need to be washed off my face instead of left on like a serum, that maybe this wouldn't be to bad. I have an oily, balm type makeup remover sitting in my bathroom at the moment, and I've used it once or twice, but because it sits under the sink and not in my shower, I don't think to use it. While it was a weird experience it using it the first few times, I didn't hate it, so I thought maybe the same would ring true for this number. This cleansing oil contains Sea Buckthorn and Tangerine Oil which are meant to help make the makeup slide right off your face. This stuff certainly smells very natural, a bit of a combination of lavender and citrus I would say, which I personally don't mind. It certainly is a lot more oilier than any cleanser I have ever used, but it's a super light and fluid formula, unlike the thicker balm I have under my sink. As it's so thin and lightweight, it doesn't feel gross and clunky to wipe over your face, and I actually quite enjoyed it. Thanks to the oiler nature of the product it actually leaves your skin feeling quite moisturised afterwards.

    Why is this called a triple action cleanser I hear you ask? Well because, this little bottle aims to not only be your daily cleanser, but also a replacement for toner and any eye makeup remover products. I have to say, despite using this and loving how it worked on my face and the makeup and dirt it did manage to remove, I'm not about to remove any steps from my skincare routine because of it. That's not throwing any shade to the product, it certainly does its job as a cleanser, but as someone who is a freak about getting to complete their skincare routine, thanks to temperamental skin that also wants me to keep up with it, I just don't feel confident enough to throw away my toning step, which is also what I tend to use to wipe away any excess eye makeup. Maybe for those with skin that doesn't mind having less of a fuss made over it, however this is certainly still a goer as a great cleanser.

    Can we just start off talking about the packaging of this stuff; I love it! I have a hair treatment that has packaging like this, and I think it's just such a brilliant idea. You take the lid off, push on the top and the product comes out. It makes it easy to control how much you want and really prevents any mess; now onto the cream itself. In terms of scent, the official description says it is a combination of Evening Primrose Oil, Ylang Ylang and Peppermint. The peppermint in this product isn't as strong as the  Mirco Cleanse Super Scrub that I'm going to talk about below, it's much more subtle. That combined with the other ingredients gives me this feeling of luxury. I feel like a rich woman sitting in the huge bathroom of her fancy mansion when I put this stuff on; almost worth buying it just to live that fantasy every day and night. But in all seriousness this stuff is good. It leaves you feeling super hydrated and moisturised, and you don't need to use much at once to get there. 

    Alpha-H Mirco Cleanse Super Scrub
    I absolutely love the smell of this stuff! If you're not a peppermint fan this won't be your thing, but I can't get enough, it reminds me of the peppermint tea you can get from T2; man I need to restock on that stuff. Anyway, the peppermint scent means this stuff is great for using in the morning, because that blast of cool peppermint on your face will certainly leave you feeling fresh and awake to the world. When I saw the word scrub I was hoping for something exfoliating, and I wasn't disappointed. The beads in this product are quite small, but they certainly feel like they're working on the skin, without being overly abrasive. This stuff left me feeling clean and awake, a massive thumbs up over here.

    Alpha-H Balancing and Pore Refining Mask
    You know I love me a good face mask, and I don't really think I've ever come across one that has left me disappointed in any way, and that streak isn't ending here today my friends. This stuff does have quite a strong yet natural scent to it, which I personally don't mind, but for any of my scent-sensitive friends out there, maybe go check this one out and give it a sniff before lathering it all over your face. This is a nice thick mask that layers up well on the skin, and also has quite a smooth formula which means it feels really nice to put on your skin. I loved the mask and it made my skin feel refreshed and clean, but I personally don't believe anything when it comes to the words "pore refining". Maybe my pores just aren't bad enough, though I personally think they could do with a little refining, but I don't think any product is ever going to minimise your pores away. They will certainly help clear out dirt, which helps to stop them become monstrosities on your face, but I don't think anything, including this mask, is going to get rid of them in 10 minutes. Still a great face mask to relax in and give your skin some TLC.

    Alpha-H Balancing Moisturiser and Gentle Exfoliant
    When I read the name of this product I was immediately intrigued. How could something be a moisturiser but also an exfoliant at the same time? To me those two steps should be done separately, so I was so keen to try this out and understand how it worked; if it did. Starting with the scent, it's probably my least favourite out of all the products, and that doesn't necessarily mean it's bad, but it's certainly a lot different. I talk about the other ones smelling natural at times, and when I say that I mean the lavender type of natural; this stuff smells like natural, natural. I know that doesn't give much of a description, it's like there's almost not a scent to it, but there is. It's hard for my to properly describe but the official description mentions Green Tea and Aloe Vera, so maybe that will make more sense to you. Now, how does this stuff work? When I heard moisturiser and exfoliant, I imagined maybe a moisturiser containing tiny little beads that would dissolve as you rub it onto your face; I was wrong. There are no little beads, it just feels like a moisturiser, but as you rub it in, I get this cooling sensation that a normal moisturiser doesn't give, which I want to put down to the Glycolic Acid that's in the product. I'm honestly not quite sure how it does it, but there is certainly an overwhelming smoothness to my face that I don't get with a regular moisturiser. I don't completely understand, I'm still intrigued but I love it and would recommend giving it a try.
    . 7/18/17 .

    I've had so many new products coming through the mail recently, so it was about time to share another new in post with you all. I've got a range of makeup, skincare and haircare this time around, so take a look to see what's new in stores near you.

    Bobbi Brown Glow Stick // Desert Sun & Sunkissed
    One of Bobbi Brown's latest makeup releases is the Glow Stick. These are creamy, lightweight highlighters that come in more than just your average highlighter colour. There are a lot more deeper shades, which I think are perfect for the winter time, but also many to transfer into the warmer months when they eventually roll back around. They don't give a blinding finish, but rather a soft shimmer, to give a more natural look. I like to warm the stick up on the back of my hand before applying to my face.

    When it comes to skincare, Bobbi Brown have a new product ready to stand and fight against the never ending battle of anti-aging. This little bottle aims to target and reduce all those pesky little lines you get on your forehead, eyes and anywhere else on your face. Applying this day and night before moisturiser helps stimulate the production of the collagen in your face with the use of mimosa tree extract, soybean protein and kombucha black tea ferment.

    John Frieda have recently redesigned their Frizz Ease with newly formatted and designed products, and they sent me over a couple to share with you guys.

    As the name of this range suggests, these buddies aim to reduce natural frizz and smooth out your hair to make it silky and smooth. Both products aim to reverse 75% of the surface damage on your hair while also treating split ends. These products are also great for colour treated hair (like your girl right here). Infused with Coconut Oil and Frizz Immunity Complex, the continual use of this product aims to increase your hair's resistance to frizz over time.

    John Frieda Frizz Ease Extra Strength 6 Effects + Serum
    This product has the highest concentration of frizz fighters out of any of the the John Frieda products. With an award-winning thermal protectant and a formula infused with Silk protein, this stuff not only helps control the frizz, but also helps protect your hair against heat damage. Apply this stuff to your hair while it's still wet to help repel humidity and get your locks smooth and straight.

    John Frieda Frizz Ease Secret Weapon Finishing Creme
    Who doesn't love the idea of using a product called Secret Weapon? Applying this stuff to dry hair, it helps to instantly transform puffy and frizzy hair into something as smooth as a baby's bottom. It aims to replace the natural oils which your hair loses during heat styling and quench your thirsty hair to keep it happy and healthy.

    John Frieda Frizz Ease Nourishing Oil Elixir
    The last one on the John Frieda list for today, this product aims to infuse into the strands of your hair to reduce frizz and leave it 50% smoother in almost an instant. Its fast drying formula means you won't be left with a greasy texture and it will make your hair manageable and easier to style. Containing Argan Oil, this stuff will leave your hair feeling like you've just left the salon.

    Now this isn't a new product to the market, though it is new in my makeup experience, however, this powder foundation is a part of Laura Geller's 20th anniversary celebration. In honour of this milestone, Laura Geller have put together a variety of makeup bundles that you can purchase online right now, including the Laura's Star Performs bundle, which includes this foundation along with their Bronze-n-Brighten. This foundation is super soft to the touch, and slides seamlessly onto the skin. Powder foundations are quite few and new in my makeup collection, but I have to say I've been impressed with this latest addition.

    With a wonderful mixture of Native New Zealand Manuka Honey, Avocado Oil, Jasmine, Sandalwood and more, this cream not only helps your skin get back all the moisture it needs, but it also acts as an anti-aging fighter, attacking back at the natural elements that cause our skin to show a little wear. A certified vegetarian product, apply this stuff each night to help your skin feel smooth and look youthful.

    I've always loved their polishes, and now Sally Hansen has something new for the world of nail care. This stuff aims to bring hydration back to your nails, making them look replenished and healthier. Massaging this serum into your hands each night, the concentrated formula containing Black Orchid, Acai and Algae (I know that seems gross but you can't tell I promise), will stop your nails being dry and make your cuticles stronger and healthier.

    This is the last product I have to bring to you today. When we think of makeup sprays, I would say most of us instantly think of setting sprays or something we need to apply once all our makeup is done. Skindinavia have recently brought out a new kind of spray that is all about getting to work once the makeup has gone for the day. Spray this product onto your skin five minutes after first removing your makeup and the blend of zinc, magnesium and willow bark will help to keep your skin looking clear and beautiful in between your makeup applications. Adding this into your skincare routine can help to keep those little pores unclogged from any leftover dirt and makeup and therefore prevent breakouts.
    . 7/15/17 .

    I've lived in my new place for about six months now, and when I first moved in and was putting up Snapchats and Instastories about organising my room, people were keen for me to show the finished product. As I do, I got a bit busy and side tracked and forgot about the request, but after recently moving my room around to freshen things about, I thought why not finally make this post. It's not perfect, but it's mine.

    Clothes Rack // Howards Storage World

    Linen Robe // H&M
    Oversized Denim Jacket // Factorie
    Leather Jacket // NEUW
    Rolling Stones Shirt // Thrifted
    Black Silk Shirt // H&M
    White Shirt // Factorie (similar)

    Copper Coathangers // Target

    Wooden Storage Boxes // Kmart
    Wire Storage // Typo - similar

    Perfume Tray // Kmart (similar)
    Chanel No 5

    Tom Ford Black Orchid

    Balenciaga Skin

    Skull in a Jar Candle  // Eye Candle Studio
    Heart in a Jar Candle  // Eye Candle Studio

    Velvet Skull Jar // Typo (no longer available)

    The Little Book of Cacti and Other Succulents

    The Book of Skulls

    Life by Keith Richards

    Sunglasses // Cotton On
    Mirror // Kmart

    Bosten Terrier Candle // Eye Candle Studio
    Gold Jewellery Boxes // Target (similar)

    Bed Pallettes // you can find so many of these being given away on places like Gumtree
    Bedding // Kmart
    Faux Fur Throw // H&M
    Bedside Lamp // Kmart - similar