Welcome back to another photography-related post!
I've been doing a lot of talking about photography functions and settings you can use to get great shots, and I've decided it's time to turn our attention to something else, the equipment! The stuff that is actually going to allow you to go out, play around and practice with what I've written about so far. I decided to make this a bit of a combined post. First I'm going to start off by talking about what equipment I brought the first time I ever delved into the world of photography, because I think it was a perfect choice for someone just starting out. Then I want to chat about the bits and pieces I have now, and then finish off with what equipment is currently on my wishlist and why.
Twin Lens Kit

This is what I brought myself the first time I ever brought some good camera equipment, and I still think it's the
perfect option for beginners. I'm sure different types of middle-range camera bodies would come in similar kits, but for reference, I picked up the Canon EOS 700D DSLR. This also came with two lens, a 18-55mm and a 55- 250mm. This kit gives you everything you need to really start practicing and learning photography and still take some awesome photos. Something to remember when you go into the store, you will also need to buy an SD card and some clear lens protectors (these are vital to protecting your expensive lenses, it's better to scratch the protector than the lens). You could however pick up some of these
on eBay if you want, but if you're going to go out shooting straight away, though it's more expensive, I'd recommend picking up at least one while you're there so you're lens has some protection against the elements. Usually when you're going in and buying all of this at once, the people in the store will do you a deal. For example, my total for all of this came to $999 (which is the advertised price for the just the twin lens kit in some places!)
Canon EOS 700D DSLR
I still have the same camera I brought back when I grabbed a twin lens kit myself,
a Canon EOS 700D DSLR. It's about a middle of the range, entry-level camera, and I think it's perfect for beginners or just anyone who wants a pretty good quality camera to take everyday photos. It has all the necessary features that as a beginner you need to learn to improve your photography, it has video recording, and a feature I love (being a short person trying to take photos of something above me), a flip out screen that you can choose to view your images through. One thing about it, and which is pushing me in the direction of upgrading, is that it isn't Full Frame, which basically means you can't capture as wide an image as other models.
Sigma AF 24 - 70mm f/2.8 EX DG Lens
Basically I brought this one to replace the original Canon 18-55mm lens which came in the kit. I was using that Canon lens pretty much all the time, so I wanted to upgrade to something a little bit better. This
Sigma lens is what I chose. The main reason is because, at the time, I was really getting into gig photography, and a lens like this is a great one to have for that sort of low-light environment thanks to its low aperture. There have since been some other lenses I've found and got my eye on (see below) but I don't plan on getting rid of this one any time soon. If you have the camera for general everyday use and are using it quite a bit, but would like to increase the quality of your everyday photos, I think this lens it perfect and would be all you need.
Canon EFS 55 - 250mm f/4 - 5.6 IS STM Telephoto Lens
This is one of the
original lenses from the twin lens kit I brought. I've held on to this one basically so I have more shooting options. Being telephoto, it allows you to zoom in real close for some great macro photography. Alternating, if you're further away from the action you're trying to shot, this baby can help you out. I'll admit I rarely ever crack this one out of the bag, though there have been instances I didn't take it along with me and found myself wishing I did, so I figure it's worth holding on to. I aim to try and bring it along with me more this year whenever I go out and try and capture some images with it.
Canon EOS 5D Mark III
This is new the expensive toy on my wishlist, the Canon EOS 5D Mark III. Obviously, because it's a higher model, it can produce better quality images. It is also Full Frame and it is more resistant to dust and water, which never hurts. This body paired with the right lens for the job can produce some outstanding images. Now I just need to
save up around $3000.
Sigma 50mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art Lens
This is
one lens I want to get my hands on to improve my blog photography. The main reason it will do that is thanks to its low aperture capabilities. The photos on my blog tend to mainly be close up images of products and other items. While my current lens is capable of taken decent pictures, this baby, I feel, will take my pictures to that next level. Essentially the smaller aperture will mean a blurry background and sharper images that really pop. It is also a great one for taken some pretty awesome portrait photos.
(cheaper alternative - Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM Lens)
Basically what you're looking at here is a cheaper version of the Sigma 50mm mentioned above
offered by Canon. It's not everyday you find that Canon is the one handing out the cheaper alternative to what you're after and honestly not many people can tell a big a difference between the two. It seems the main point of difference, only noticeable when you really take a good look at comparison photos, is that the Sigma tends to create a slightly sharper image. For my personal situation, I think the decision on which to get will depend on what price I can manage to find either of these for, but really either of the two will do the job.
Canon EF 70 - 200mm f/2.8 Lens
This bad boy is one of the last things on my wishlist (mainly
thanks to the $2600 price tag). This is the other lens I want to complete my gig photography kit. With a price tag like that you know it just has to be able to produce some stunning images. It is basically a very, very, very good version of the 55 - 250mm lens I mentioned earlier. Having this baby by my side while at gigs would allow me to get some real stunning close up images of the action. A girl can dream..