However it can be very easy to lose this motivation and instantly become a disorganised mess.
To help give you the best possible chance at staying on the winning track of being a star student for the semester, here are a few things you can do in this first couple of weeks to set yourself up for success.
Get on your readings early
One key element to being a good student and keeping up with your studies is getting those readings done. A lot of courses will upload a reading guide that will outline every single week’s reading for the semester. Obviously your first step should be to get the very first week’s readings done for all your courses. Do it while you’re lucky enough not to have assignments coming out of your ears!
And while you have a bit more spare time early in semester, it’s tempting to use this time to finishing binging on that Netflix series you’re nearly finished, but try your best to stay focused.
This is prime time to get ahead with your readings. Maybe do all of next week’s readings, and maybe even the next. The further you can get in front now the more future you will thank past you when you’re drowning essays and exam prep.
Become a planning pro
Another thing most lecturers will do at the start of semester is put out a course outline that lists everything you’ll be doing in that course, including all the assignments.
One of the worst things that can happen during semester is letting an assignment creep up on you that’s due the next day that you didn’t even know about. Prevent this nightmare by grabbing your diary and writing a list of all the assignments you have for your courses and when they’re due.
Put said list somewhere that’s clearly visible so you can always double check there isn’t a major essay due next week that’s going to have you bluffing your way through at the last minute.
Create an exercise timetable
You’ve probably heard this before, but it’s super important to make time for physical exercise during semester.
A good exercise session not only gives you a break from having your head in the books, but also helps clear your mind and give you a new spurt of energy to keep you going for the rest of the day.
If you’ve signed up to a gym that does exercise classes, figure out which times suit your schedule and get them in your planner or diary. If you prefer to do your own thing, set aside an hour each day to work up a sweat.
Find a study buddy
Studying on your own can be great, however it also has its draw backs. When you’re reading and come across a concept you just don’t understand, there’s no one there for you to ask for help. And we all know what this means: you ask Google for the answer, which leads to a two-hour Facey session.
To avoid this, find a study buddy, or maybe even a study group and organise set times to meet. Then, when you’re studying by yourself and come across something you just can’t tackle on your own, you can make note of it and discuss it during your group study time.
Buy all of the stationery
Some of us can have a weird and wonderful obsession with stationery (guilty). If walking into Officeworks makes your heart skip a beat, then consider treating yo self to some new paper goods to get you motivated.
Buy some notepads, pens or pencils that fill your heart with joy and get you excited to get working. There’s nothing more motivating than opening a fresh notepad.
Take a deep breath
You’re about to begin a new chapter, and a new semester is all about starting afresh. Whether it’s your first semester, last semester or somewhere in between, take a moment to breathe.
Prepare yourself – things will get crazy. But remember, you’ve done it before so you can do it again.
Originally appeared on Hijacked