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  • Learn Something New Everyday (March '17)

    If you missed it, last month I set myself the task of learning something new every day for the year of 2017. Each month I like to share with you the random bits and pieces I've learnt, and I also want to hear from you if you've learnt anything cool this past month.

    1/3/17 - Oil in cashews prevents tooth decay
    2/3/17 - A pineapple is a large berry
    3/3/17 - Shrimp can only swim backwards
    4/3/17 - Broccoli is the only vegetable that is also a flower
    5/3/17 - Human's share 50% of their DNA with bananas
    6/3/17 - Fish can drown
    7/3/17 - When you blush, your stomach lining also turns red
    8/3/17 - A bolt of lightening is 6x hotter than the sun
    9/3/17 - Dolphins can recognise themselves in the mirror
    10/3/17 - Ants have a stronger sense of smell than dogs
    11/3/17 - A snail breathes through its foot
    12/3/17 - When the moon is directly overhead you weigh less
    13/3/17 - Strawberries have more Vitamin C than oranges
    14/3/17 - Goldfish don't have somtachs
    15/3/17 - Smiling boosts your iummune system
    16/3/17 - A tree can abosrb 10 punds of CO2 a year
    17/3/17 - The Amazon River once flowed in the opposite direction
    18/3/17 - Lemons are more acidic than vinegar.
    19/3/17 - Caterpillars have about four thousand muscles.
    20/3/17 -  Giraffe are already extinct in at least seven countries in Africa (sadness).
    21/3/17 -  In the U.S, if you find a bald eagle feather on the ground, you need a permit to pick it up.
    22/3/17 -  The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows.
    23/3/17 -  63 Earths would fit inside Uranus.
    24/3/17 -  The first colour photograph was taken in 1861.
    25/3/17 -  Coffee beans aren’t beans they are the seed of coffee berries.
    26/3/17 -  Tomatoes actually came from America and weren’t introduced in Italy until the 1540s.
    27/3/17 -  The name for the space between eyebrows is “nasion”.
    28/3/17 -  Mangoes are the most-consumed fruit in the world.
    29/3/17 -  Kangaroos can’t walk backwards.
    30/3/17 -  Frogs cannot swallow with their eyes open.
    31/3/17 -  Dogs can make about 10 sounds, while cats make about 100.

    If you missed it, last month I set myself the task of learning something new every day for the year of 2017. Each month I like to share with you the random bits and pieces I've learnt, and I also want to hear from you if you've learnt anything cool this past month.

    1/3/17 - Oil in cashews prevents tooth decay
    2/3/17 - A pineapple is a large berry
    3/3/17 - Shrimp can only swim backwards
    4/3/17 - Broccoli is the only vegetable that is also a flower
    5/3/17 - Human's share 50% of their DNA with bananas
    6/3/17 - Fish can drown
    7/3/17 - When you blush, your stomach lining also turns red
    8/3/17 - A bolt of lightening is 6x hotter than the sun
    9/3/17 - Dolphins can recognise themselves in the mirror
    10/3/17 - Ants have a stronger sense of smell than dogs
    11/3/17 - A snail breathes through its foot
    12/3/17 - When the moon is directly overhead you weigh less
    13/3/17 - Strawberries have more Vitamin C than oranges
    14/3/17 - Goldfish don't have somtachs
    15/3/17 - Smiling boosts your iummune system
    16/3/17 - A tree can abosrb 10 punds of CO2 a year
    17/3/17 - The Amazon River once flowed in the opposite direction
    18/3/17 - Lemons are more acidic than vinegar.
    19/3/17 - Caterpillars have about four thousand muscles.
    20/3/17 -  Giraffe are already extinct in at least seven countries in Africa (sadness).
    21/3/17 -  In the U.S, if you find a bald eagle feather on the ground, you need a permit to pick it up.
    22/3/17 -  The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows.
    23/3/17 -  63 Earths would fit inside Uranus.
    24/3/17 -  The first colour photograph was taken in 1861.
    25/3/17 -  Coffee beans aren’t beans they are the seed of coffee berries.
    26/3/17 -  Tomatoes actually came from America and weren’t introduced in Italy until the 1540s.
    27/3/17 -  The name for the space between eyebrows is “nasion”.
    28/3/17 -  Mangoes are the most-consumed fruit in the world.
    29/3/17 -  Kangaroos can’t walk backwards.
    30/3/17 -  Frogs cannot swallow with their eyes open.
    31/3/17 -  Dogs can make about 10 sounds, while cats make about 100.
    . 4/6/17 .

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