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  • Hello 2018

    I know I'm a bit behind the ball when it comes to posting something about this brand New Year and what 2018 will hold for me. Frankly, my first week of the year continued to be a holiday period for me, as a lot of my friends still had time off from their jobs, which meant there was a lot of socialising and beach days still to be had (we're currently sitting in a bit of a heatwave here in the state of NSW in Australia). However, through the end of December and this past week, I have been thinking about what I'd like to accomplish this year and how I'd like to tackle my little corner of the Internet. I got fairly slack with it towards the end and my interests and what I enjoy posting about has changed quite a bit from the start of 2017. So here's a quick post about how I plan to schedule content around here, and a few things I'd like to also achieve this coming year. Please comment and let me know your goals and plans for 2018 as well! It's always so inspiring and motivating to read what other people are going after in life.

    B l o g g i n g    S c h e d u l e / I n s t a g r a m    C o n t e n t
    I started off the year pretty well, bringing in some travel content and blogging on a regular basis. I was able to keep things steady for a while, and then in around August I decided to do daily blogging for the month. I made it through, but it seems since then my content schedule has gone down hill. I think some of this has to do with my change up in content as well, which mainly happened over on my Instagram. I got a lot more into fashion blogging this year, and I have been loving it so much. While beauty is obviously still something I enjoy, and I love testing out new products and being able to share my thoughts on them, I have to say I am enjoying the fashion side of things a bit more, and that's certainly what I've chosen to focus on over on my Instagram (if you're not following me why not go check it out @noiseinwonderland). Being aware of that, as the end of 2017 came to a close, I wasn't sure how I was going to tackle my blog; I even had a period of debating whether to scrap it all together and just stick to Instagram and fashion content. However, I've put a lot of time and effort into building this space, and I've decided I'm not ready to part with it just yet. I devised a new content strategy/schedule. I'm going to keep my Instagram as a mainly fashion based platform, though I have no doubt beauty bits will be sprinkled in here and there. My blog however will be where the main beauty focus is at, with my fashion pieces slotted in as well. I'm hoping to be able to upload three times a week here; Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The Wednesday post will always be a 'My Week in Mirage' post, which if you don't know what that is you can click here to read about it. The other two will be reserved for other content whether beauty, fashion or a little ramble. I'll be keeping you all updated when new posts go live on my Instastories, or alternatively you can follow me on Bloglovin account to be able to see and read all my content never you please.

    I n c r e a s e    M y     F r e e l a n c e    W o r k
    Towards the end of last year, simply by the universe allowing things to fall into place, I had a good influx of freelance writing work come in. Not only was it the perfect time of the year for there to be some extra $$$ in my account, it reminded me of how much I love that kind of work and my dream to be able to work freelance and be comfortable financially. I know the universe won't just keep handing me work on a silver plater, so it's time for me to kick myself into gear and go out and find it. I'm currently working on compiling all my work into an online portfolio to show prospective clients, and then it's all about putting my name out there. It might be a bit of a stretch but I'd love to have some more constant work flowing in by next month; fingers crossed.

    C u t    O u t    R e f i n e d    S u g a r
    Did you know the average Australian will eat about 40 teaspoons of sugar a day! That's not because they're stuffing chocolates and lollies into their mouth constantly; that's most likely including a lot of people who think they are making healthy choices. This is something I actually started a few days just before the New Year and so far I've been fairly good with it. There is a lot I could talk about on this topic, but in a nutshell, I'm basically wanting to cut refined sugar out of my diet, which is sugar food companies unnecessarily add to their products mostly so they taste good. I recently watched a documentary, which is a few years old now, called That Sugar Film, which basically explains it all and why it's a good idea to take a closer look at the ingredients in some of the foods you're eating and why cutting out sugar is a massive benefit to your health. Refined sugar is often in things that we think are healthy because they're marketed to us that way including breakfast cereals, yogurt and fruit juices. The whole juicing fruit idea and how sugar plays into that is really interesting as well. I might do a bigger blog post on it down the track, but I would honestly recommend giving that documentary a watch; it explains it all and I found it so interesting and eye-opening!

    W r i t e   M y    B o o k
    This is something I blogged about at the beginning of last year and that I had a plan to go to a cafe most days and get a little bit of writing done; well that never happened. I did make a start, but a start is about as far as I got, and I am a little annoyed at myself for not working on it more. A life goal of mine is to have a published book, whether it's overly successful or not, simply just to have a published book with name on the cover is something I want to achieve in my life. With a novel idea at hand, this year I really want to make a solid effort at getting as much written as possible and figure out all the little details of the story. I'll keep you posted.

    T r a v e l    P l a n s
    Lastly travel. I have always wanted to go to America, and I've decided this year I'm going to try as hard as I can to get the money together and get there. I've got a Contiki tour picked out that I think will be perfect for what I want to see. The goal is to travel there at some point in the middle of the year while they're in their summer season. Looks like it's time to stop buying clothes and eating out.

    I know I'm a bit behind the ball when it comes to posting something about this brand New Year and what 2018 will hold for me. Frankly, my first week of the year continued to be a holiday period for me, as a lot of my friends still had time off from their jobs, which meant there was a lot of socialising and beach days still to be had (we're currently sitting in a bit of a heatwave here in the state of NSW in Australia). However, through the end of December and this past week, I have been thinking about what I'd like to accomplish this year and how I'd like to tackle my little corner of the Internet. I got fairly slack with it towards the end and my interests and what I enjoy posting about has changed quite a bit from the start of 2017. So here's a quick post about how I plan to schedule content around here, and a few things I'd like to also achieve this coming year. Please comment and let me know your goals and plans for 2018 as well! It's always so inspiring and motivating to read what other people are going after in life.

    B l o g g i n g    S c h e d u l e / I n s t a g r a m    C o n t e n t
    I started off the year pretty well, bringing in some travel content and blogging on a regular basis. I was able to keep things steady for a while, and then in around August I decided to do daily blogging for the month. I made it through, but it seems since then my content schedule has gone down hill. I think some of this has to do with my change up in content as well, which mainly happened over on my Instagram. I got a lot more into fashion blogging this year, and I have been loving it so much. While beauty is obviously still something I enjoy, and I love testing out new products and being able to share my thoughts on them, I have to say I am enjoying the fashion side of things a bit more, and that's certainly what I've chosen to focus on over on my Instagram (if you're not following me why not go check it out @noiseinwonderland). Being aware of that, as the end of 2017 came to a close, I wasn't sure how I was going to tackle my blog; I even had a period of debating whether to scrap it all together and just stick to Instagram and fashion content. However, I've put a lot of time and effort into building this space, and I've decided I'm not ready to part with it just yet. I devised a new content strategy/schedule. I'm going to keep my Instagram as a mainly fashion based platform, though I have no doubt beauty bits will be sprinkled in here and there. My blog however will be where the main beauty focus is at, with my fashion pieces slotted in as well. I'm hoping to be able to upload three times a week here; Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The Wednesday post will always be a 'My Week in Mirage' post, which if you don't know what that is you can click here to read about it. The other two will be reserved for other content whether beauty, fashion or a little ramble. I'll be keeping you all updated when new posts go live on my Instastories, or alternatively you can follow me on Bloglovin account to be able to see and read all my content never you please.

    I n c r e a s e    M y     F r e e l a n c e    W o r k
    Towards the end of last year, simply by the universe allowing things to fall into place, I had a good influx of freelance writing work come in. Not only was it the perfect time of the year for there to be some extra $$$ in my account, it reminded me of how much I love that kind of work and my dream to be able to work freelance and be comfortable financially. I know the universe won't just keep handing me work on a silver plater, so it's time for me to kick myself into gear and go out and find it. I'm currently working on compiling all my work into an online portfolio to show prospective clients, and then it's all about putting my name out there. It might be a bit of a stretch but I'd love to have some more constant work flowing in by next month; fingers crossed.

    C u t    O u t    R e f i n e d    S u g a r
    Did you know the average Australian will eat about 40 teaspoons of sugar a day! That's not because they're stuffing chocolates and lollies into their mouth constantly; that's most likely including a lot of people who think they are making healthy choices. This is something I actually started a few days just before the New Year and so far I've been fairly good with it. There is a lot I could talk about on this topic, but in a nutshell, I'm basically wanting to cut refined sugar out of my diet, which is sugar food companies unnecessarily add to their products mostly so they taste good. I recently watched a documentary, which is a few years old now, called That Sugar Film, which basically explains it all and why it's a good idea to take a closer look at the ingredients in some of the foods you're eating and why cutting out sugar is a massive benefit to your health. Refined sugar is often in things that we think are healthy because they're marketed to us that way including breakfast cereals, yogurt and fruit juices. The whole juicing fruit idea and how sugar plays into that is really interesting as well. I might do a bigger blog post on it down the track, but I would honestly recommend giving that documentary a watch; it explains it all and I found it so interesting and eye-opening!

    W r i t e   M y    B o o k
    This is something I blogged about at the beginning of last year and that I had a plan to go to a cafe most days and get a little bit of writing done; well that never happened. I did make a start, but a start is about as far as I got, and I am a little annoyed at myself for not working on it more. A life goal of mine is to have a published book, whether it's overly successful or not, simply just to have a published book with name on the cover is something I want to achieve in my life. With a novel idea at hand, this year I really want to make a solid effort at getting as much written as possible and figure out all the little details of the story. I'll keep you posted.

    T r a v e l    P l a n s
    Lastly travel. I have always wanted to go to America, and I've decided this year I'm going to try as hard as I can to get the money together and get there. I've got a Contiki tour picked out that I think will be perfect for what I want to see. The goal is to travel there at some point in the middle of the year while they're in their summer season. Looks like it's time to stop buying clothes and eating out.

    . 1/8/18 .

    1 comment

    1. I love these goals! You are going to kill 2018! I can’t wait to see all your new content and a book!?! I’m so excited!

      Laura || www.thelifeoflaura.com.au xx


    I love reading your comments, so leave me a little something below.