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  • Prep For the Weekend (ft Saturday Skin)

    This is one of those brands I kept seeing around the world of Instagram, so when they reached out to me and asked if I wanted to try some of their products, I jumped at the chance. The brand is called Saturday Skin, and the key ingredient behind all their products is the Cha-7 es Complex, which is a peptide formula exclusive to their brand which helps boost the skin's natural regeneration process. This improves the collagen and elasticity in your skin which puts you on the way to having radiant and rested looking skin. But without further a due, lets chat about some of the products.

    Daily Dew Hydrating Essence Mist
    This product is absently perfect for the summer. I love taking this out on a beach day, or to just use during the day to refresh myself. Not only does the mist cool you down and make you feel more refreshed, the extracts of kiwi and grape help to  nourish and moisture your skin.

    Featherweight Daily Moisturising Cream 
    I love this moisturiser for my daytime/morning skincare routine because it's not to thick and heavy; hence the name. Though it may not feel super thick and therefore feel like it may not be doing a lot, I can tell you it is. The avocado protein extract in the product helps to strengthens your skin’s moisture barrier, which helps it to more effective seal in hydration, which is key to keeping your skin protected and feeling soft throughout the day.

    Quench Hydration MasksSpotlight Brightening Masks
    Both of these masks come packed with serum, so make sure you applying them over a bathroom sink or somewhere that is easy to clean up any possible mess. That said, they feel really soothing on the face, and don't actually leave excess amounts of product afterwards; just enough to let nicely sink into your skin.

    The Hydration Mask contains hyaluronic acid which helps to moisturise your skin along with watermelon and aloe which help give your skin a cool drink of water and leave you feeling refreshed; a perfect starter to the day.

    The Brightening Mask contains bilberry, licorice and lotus extracts which help dimes any dark spots you might have from being out in the sun or skin blemishes, helping to make your skin look radiant and ready for the day ahead or a night out.

    This is one of those brands I kept seeing around the world of Instagram, so when they reached out to me and asked if I wanted to try some of their products, I jumped at the chance. The brand is called Saturday Skin, and the key ingredient behind all their products is the Cha-7 es Complex, which is a peptide formula exclusive to their brand which helps boost the skin's natural regeneration process. This improves the collagen and elasticity in your skin which puts you on the way to having radiant and rested looking skin. But without further a due, lets chat about some of the products.

    Daily Dew Hydrating Essence Mist
    This product is absently perfect for the summer. I love taking this out on a beach day, or to just use during the day to refresh myself. Not only does the mist cool you down and make you feel more refreshed, the extracts of kiwi and grape help to  nourish and moisture your skin.

    Featherweight Daily Moisturising Cream 
    I love this moisturiser for my daytime/morning skincare routine because it's not to thick and heavy; hence the name. Though it may not feel super thick and therefore feel like it may not be doing a lot, I can tell you it is. The avocado protein extract in the product helps to strengthens your skin’s moisture barrier, which helps it to more effective seal in hydration, which is key to keeping your skin protected and feeling soft throughout the day.

    Quench Hydration MasksSpotlight Brightening Masks
    Both of these masks come packed with serum, so make sure you applying them over a bathroom sink or somewhere that is easy to clean up any possible mess. That said, they feel really soothing on the face, and don't actually leave excess amounts of product afterwards; just enough to let nicely sink into your skin.

    The Hydration Mask contains hyaluronic acid which helps to moisturise your skin along with watermelon and aloe which help give your skin a cool drink of water and leave you feeling refreshed; a perfect starter to the day.

    The Brightening Mask contains bilberry, licorice and lotus extracts which help dimes any dark spots you might have from being out in the sun or skin blemishes, helping to make your skin look radiant and ready for the day ahead or a night out.

    . 1/29/18 .


    1. I’ve been loving the Saturday Skin products, they’re so lovely! And I love the packaging!

      Laura || www.thelifeoflaura.com.au


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