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    I feel like teeth whitening for me is a never-ending struggle. I've tried many different products over the years; some have done an alright job and others have failed completely, so my journey continues.

    Something I have tried in the past is oil pulling. If you've never heard of oil pulling before, in a nutshell it is basically the idea that you swirl coconut oil around in your mouth for 5, 15 or even 20 minutes (however long you can deal with) before spitting it out (but not down the sink because coconut oil goes solid at cold temperatures and can block up your pipes). This helps to reduce the bacteria you have in your moth, which means it gives your mouth a brilliant clean, and can start to whiten your teeth over time. I have done this with straight coconut oil in the past and unless you can stomach the taste of coconut (like I mean a lot of coconut), it might not be the go for you. I did find that after I started doing the process for a few days in a  row, I felt like my mouth was cleaner, and it began to slightly whiten my teeth.

    If however the idea of putting straight coconut oil in your mouth sounds like a nightmare (and I totally understand why), then you can try buying some other oil pulling products. One company that does this is OSHUN White.

    The people from OSHUN White were kind enough to send me out 14 sachets of their Peppermint flavoured formula, as well as a copper tongue cleaner, to try out.

    I had been using another whitening product prior to receiving this package (which I'm happy to review at a later stage), so my teeth had already been whiten quite a bit. When I received this package though I put that whitening treatment on hold and switched straight to using only these sachets.

    First off I want to mention the flavour of these, mine tasted completely like peppermint. I was expecting to detect a hint of coconut, but there was nothing. So if you do hate the taste of coconut, these sachets should be perfect for you. If peppermint isn't your thing, they have spearmint, crushed line and wild cherry flavour to choose from also . I personally like peppermint because it gives off that taste and feeling like you've just brushed your teeth, which makes your mouth feel extra clean (spearmint could also be a good option for this). So a massive thumbs up in the flavour department.

    So how did it do?
    I can't say I saw a massive difference in the white shade of my teeth, however it did maintain the colour I had managed to get to before using this product, which is still a massive thing to me. After not using my other whitening treatment for even just a couple of days, normally my teeth would start to have a yellow tinge to them again. Using this product I did notice the colour of my teeth stayed put. So this isn't something that is going to insanely whiten your teeth if that's what you're after. A large portion of this product is for just generally giving you a cleaner mouth, which is what in turn can help gradually whiten your teeth over time. It definitely does make your mouth feel cleaner if you're using it consistently for a few days, and it's the prefect solution if straight coconut oil makes you gag.

    So for me, this is a product I would most likely use in between my other whitening treatment. My other whitening treatment is much tougher, and isn't something I should be using on my teeth everyday for long periods of time. When I'm having a break from that, this is the prefect product to help keep my teeth white and give my mouth a much deeper clean than usual. Overall I would recommend giving it a go.

    But what about the copper tongue cleaner?
    I have to say this is still a strange concept to me. The idea behind this contraption is that around 80% of bacteria in our mouth, those in particular which cause bad breath, are on our tongue. Scraping our tongue with copper, or even gold or silver, is an ancient Ayurvedic tradition which has scientifically been proven to help reduce this bacteria, and so it's something you should do along with your normal brushing, flossing, etc. I did do this a couple of times, but often I forget because it isn't something I'm use to having in my routine. Having something scrap along my tongue isn't something I really enjoy either I have to say, but I did manage to do it a few times, and it wasn't the worst thing in the world. I'm sure that, if used consistently, this is something that could help with the overall cleanliness of your mouth, however it is an odd practice to get use to, and if something scrapping on your tongue gives you the shivers like me, it might be a hard one to bring into your routine. It is something I haven't really seen many other companies promoting before though, and I always love when companies can offer something new and different.

    If you would like to give this product a go, and want to save some cash, if you buy through THIS link, you can save yourself 15%!

    product sent/not sponsored/100% honest opinion

    I feel like teeth whitening for me is a never-ending struggle. I've tried many different products over the years; some have done an alright job and others have failed completely, so my journey continues.

    Something I have tried in the past is oil pulling. If you've never heard of oil pulling before, in a nutshell it is basically the idea that you swirl coconut oil around in your mouth for 5, 15 or even 20 minutes (however long you can deal with) before spitting it out (but not down the sink because coconut oil goes solid at cold temperatures and can block up your pipes). This helps to reduce the bacteria you have in your moth, which means it gives your mouth a brilliant clean, and can start to whiten your teeth over time. I have done this with straight coconut oil in the past and unless you can stomach the taste of coconut (like I mean a lot of coconut), it might not be the go for you. I did find that after I started doing the process for a few days in a  row, I felt like my mouth was cleaner, and it began to slightly whiten my teeth.

    If however the idea of putting straight coconut oil in your mouth sounds like a nightmare (and I totally understand why), then you can try buying some other oil pulling products. One company that does this is OSHUN White.

    The people from OSHUN White were kind enough to send me out 14 sachets of their Peppermint flavoured formula, as well as a copper tongue cleaner, to try out.

    I had been using another whitening product prior to receiving this package (which I'm happy to review at a later stage), so my teeth had already been whiten quite a bit. When I received this package though I put that whitening treatment on hold and switched straight to using only these sachets.

    First off I want to mention the flavour of these, mine tasted completely like peppermint. I was expecting to detect a hint of coconut, but there was nothing. So if you do hate the taste of coconut, these sachets should be perfect for you. If peppermint isn't your thing, they have spearmint, crushed line and wild cherry flavour to choose from also . I personally like peppermint because it gives off that taste and feeling like you've just brushed your teeth, which makes your mouth feel extra clean (spearmint could also be a good option for this). So a massive thumbs up in the flavour department.

    So how did it do?
    I can't say I saw a massive difference in the white shade of my teeth, however it did maintain the colour I had managed to get to before using this product, which is still a massive thing to me. After not using my other whitening treatment for even just a couple of days, normally my teeth would start to have a yellow tinge to them again. Using this product I did notice the colour of my teeth stayed put. So this isn't something that is going to insanely whiten your teeth if that's what you're after. A large portion of this product is for just generally giving you a cleaner mouth, which is what in turn can help gradually whiten your teeth over time. It definitely does make your mouth feel cleaner if you're using it consistently for a few days, and it's the prefect solution if straight coconut oil makes you gag.

    So for me, this is a product I would most likely use in between my other whitening treatment. My other whitening treatment is much tougher, and isn't something I should be using on my teeth everyday for long periods of time. When I'm having a break from that, this is the prefect product to help keep my teeth white and give my mouth a much deeper clean than usual. Overall I would recommend giving it a go.

    But what about the copper tongue cleaner?
    I have to say this is still a strange concept to me. The idea behind this contraption is that around 80% of bacteria in our mouth, those in particular which cause bad breath, are on our tongue. Scraping our tongue with copper, or even gold or silver, is an ancient Ayurvedic tradition which has scientifically been proven to help reduce this bacteria, and so it's something you should do along with your normal brushing, flossing, etc. I did do this a couple of times, but often I forget because it isn't something I'm use to having in my routine. Having something scrap along my tongue isn't something I really enjoy either I have to say, but I did manage to do it a few times, and it wasn't the worst thing in the world. I'm sure that, if used consistently, this is something that could help with the overall cleanliness of your mouth, however it is an odd practice to get use to, and if something scrapping on your tongue gives you the shivers like me, it might be a hard one to bring into your routine. It is something I haven't really seen many other companies promoting before though, and I always love when companies can offer something new and different.

    If you would like to give this product a go, and want to save some cash, if you buy through THIS link, you can save yourself 15%!

    product sent/not sponsored/100% honest opinion
    . 6/9/16 .


    1. AAA they look amazing! thanks for sharing. Do you want to support each others blog by following each other? Please let me know so I can follow you right back:)


    2. Question - have you ever seen your dentist about teeth whitening?! It's not the same as 'bleaching at a salon' etc :)

      1. I have asked about teeth whitening at the dentist - my teeth are naturally very thin, I don't have much enamel on my teeth so my teeth can get sensitive very easily - and my dentist did not recommend teeth whitening for me because of this - which is why I stick to products like this :) I wish I had better teeth so I could just get some teeth whitening though xx.


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