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  • Sweater Weather (ft Gamiss)

    Think wearing a sweater, like some of the ones below from Gamiss, is out of the question now? The warmer months may be making their way to us here in Australia, but that doesn't mean we're immune to a cold day or night here and there; and for any readers sitting on the other side of the world, the winter months are certainly on their way to you. That's why having a sweater in your wardrobe can never go astray. I love making my sweaters and jackets the statement piece to my outfit, so today I've put together a little list of a few funky ones you can find on Gamiss that will add a bit of flair to your warm wardrobe.

    Think wearing a sweater, like some of the ones below from Gamiss, is out of the question now? The warmer months may be making their way to us here in Australia, but that doesn't mean we're immune to a cold day or night here and there; and for any readers sitting on the other side of the world, the winter months are certainly on their way to you. That's why having a sweater in your wardrobe can never go astray. I love making my sweaters and jackets the statement piece to my outfit, so today I've put together a little list of a few funky ones you can find on Gamiss that will add a bit of flair to your warm wardrobe.

    . 10/24/17 .


    1. I love sweaters so much! Can never have enough if you ask me

      Laura || www.thelifeoflaura.com.au xx

      1. Right! I always seem to be adding more and more to my wardrobe haha

    2. Sweaters are always a necessity down here in Tassie! Love all of these x

      Ebony-Rose || www.mrsandmummy.com


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